2023 Lectureship

Love, John 

Join us in November 2023 for our 26th Annual Lectureship.  This year we will be focusing on the Writings of John from his Gospel, the book called 1John and Revelation.Several speakers will be coming and helping us to understand and learn from John’s writings.  This will be a time of learning, and a time for fellowship.So, mark your 2023 calendar for the 1st weekend in November.  November 3rd, 4th and 5th. This event is FREE of charge, and no collections will be taken from visitors to this event.

Who We Are

The Cold Harbor Road church of Christ is a group of Christians honoring God by trusting and obeying Him.  Our Hope is in Him and in His Son, Jesus the Christ.


11-03-23 Friday Night 7:00 pm And the Word Became Flesh John 1:1-18 D.J. Kessinger, Purcellville, VA  8:00 pm Beginning of Signs Jesus Did John 2:1-12 Cameron Miller, Freed-Hardeman 11-04-23 Saturday 9:00 am Unless One is Born Again John 3:1-21 D.J. Kessinger, Purcellville, VA 10:00 am The Bread which Came Down John 6:1-71 Cameron Miller, Freed-Hardeman  11:00 am This is Truly the Christ? John 7:25-31; 40-52; 8:13-20 Ryan O’Roark, Glen Allen, VA  Lunch Break 2:00 pm Take Away the Stone John 11 Men Ben Phillips, Hampton, VA 2:00 pm Take Away the Stone John 11 Women Patricia Phillips, Hampton, VA 3:00 pm Father, The Hour has Come John 17 Marc Lee, Keller, VA 4:00 pm Fellowship with Him I John 1:1-10 Archie Green, Williamsburg, VA Supper Break 7:00 pm We have an Advocate I John 2:1-11 Mike Morgan, Culpeper, VA  8:00 pm Now we are Children of God I John 3:1-24 Archie Green, Williamsburg, VA11-05-23 Sunday 9:30 am Love is of God I John 4:7-21 Trai Evans, Edmund, OK 10:30 am You Have Eternal Life I John 5:1-13 Trai Evans, Edmund, OK  2:00 pm The Four Horsemen Revelation 6 and 7 Doug Haught, Mechanicsville, VA, Lectureship Director